News - Datacc'

The Datacc’+ project winner of the new call for CollEx-Persée projects

The successful creation of a new service for data management in physics and chemistry is foreseen with the announcement of CollEx-Persée’s reinforced support for the system.

Datacc’+ is one of the 25 projects selected by GIS CollEx-Persée, after a call for projects which closed in January 2020. The disciplinary approach adopted by the Lyon 1 and Grenoble university libraries enables more diverse actions beyond corpus digitization projects in the human and social sciences for example.

This renewed support, following the first support provided in 2019, means Datacc’ can extend their actions (the reason for the acronym Datacc’+) to electronic lab notebooks, with new scope for action such as the publication of negative results. Operational training in data management is also planned.


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