Where and how to store data on-line? - Astrochemistry - Molecular chemistry - Particle physics - Spectrometry

VAMDC Consortium

VAMDC Consortium currently has 33 atomic and molecular databases. The complete list is available here.

Users wishing to deposit data on a VAMDC database can:

  • contact the database administrators directly
  • contact support@vamdc.eu for more information and to identify the most appropriate database.

  • Field(s)
  • Website http://www.vamdc.org/
  • Carrier institution Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre Consortium
  • Link to publications VAMDC databases accepts data published in peer-reviewed articles.Some databases may accept data without association to a publication, according to certain conditions (data quality control).The consortium plans to submit data to assessment committees, but the service is not yet implemented at a global level.
  • License Files are published in the VAMDC Consortium databases under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license terms.
  • Type of data Atomic and molecular data (A&M).Data must be in XSAMS format, XML format for atoms, molecules and solids, developed by the VAMDC Consortium.Use of this format with the TAPXSAMS protocol makes it possible to make simultaneous requests in all databases (only pertinent databases receive the request).
  • Comments A portal is available about how the VAMDC Consortium works. It features a range of self-study tutorials and material including exercises with corrections: http://tutorial.vamdc.org/index.html#Researchers wanting to deposit data must contact the VAMDC Consortium directly by email to negotiate deposit conditions: support@vamdc.eu.There are two ways to deposit data:
    • by creating a new database if the depositor has programming skills
    • by making several adjustments to add data to an existing database
  • Contacts support@vamdc.eu